What to do to live with fibromyalgia pain? | The 23 Easiest Tips to Treat Fibromyalgia

fibromialgia / fibromyalgia
Do you know what fibromyalgia is? It is a physical condition that affects millions around the world. These tips will help you if you suffer from this condition.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that causes pain throughout the body. There are more women than men who suffer from this. When you suffer from this condition, simply surviving each day can be an enormous challenge. But it’s not impossible.

Discover how to live life to the fullest despite the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia…

Do you feel sore, stiff, or tender in every joint? Do you have headaches, numbness, difficulty sleeping or concentrating? This can all be about fibromyalgia.

There are millions of people who suffer from the chronic pain, fatigue, and stiffness of fibromyalgia.

In addition to causing difficulty sleeping, you can experience numbness in the hands, feet, arms, and legs, headaches, stiffness, memory problems, and even depression and anxiety.

Many of these signs and symptoms are common, but they are not all.

There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but your doctor can prescribe medication to alleviate these symptoms and maintain a standard quality of life.

fibromyalgia symptoms

What to do to live with fibromyalgia pain? | The 23 Easiest Tips to Treat Fibromyalgia

In addition to widespread pain, other fibromyalgia symptoms include:

  • Increased sensitivity to pain
  • Muscular stiffness
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, leading to fatigue
  • Problems with thought processes: difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Headaches
  • Irritable bowel syndrome: digestive condition that causes stomach pain and bloating
  • Feelings of frustration, worry, or low mood

There are ups and downs in life with fibromyalgia

Suddenly it’s impossible to do everything you have to do. You may not even be able to get out of bed for breakfast, you are too tired.

But it’s still possible to take steps to prevent fibromyalgia pain, even with so much uncertainty. Fibromyalgia patients sometimes waste a lot of energy just stressing about their condition. Getting the right treatment can mean the difference between controlling your symptoms or letting them control you.

Fibromyalgia occurs over the smallest things in life. Therefore, it is possible that your surroundings are not helping you to stay healthy and stable.

These tips will help you deal with fibromyalgia symptoms when you want to control your pace and stay stress-free.

1. Listen to your body

If you need a break, take one.

In the fight against fibromyalgia fatigue, too many patients don’t get enough rest.

Fatigue is your body’s natural indicator that tells you when to slow down. Fibromyalgia symptoms can get worse when you don’t get over this exhaustion. You must be aware of what your body needs.

2. Never put others first

If you are an empathetic person, it is natural to put the needs of others before your own. However, fibromyalgia patients need to make healthy choices, regardless of whether they are busy doing tasks for other people.

If you strive to please others and not break any commitment, you will not help anyone. It is more important to take care of yourself than to take care of others.

Family relationships should not be damaged by fibromyalgia. You can do chores around the house and reduce your guilt, once you feel better about your fibromyalgia.

3. Take advantage of the energy you have, even with fibromyalgia

Often, we think that we cannot do many things. It is necessary to find a way to evolve and get out of dysfunction.

However, fibromyalgia should not be used as an excuse. In case you feel good, then there is no excuse for you to underestimate your abilities and what activities you can do now that you feel good.

You become a victim when you adopt a perpetual sick attitude. Whenever you feel good, make the most of it.

4. On good days, don’t overdo it either.

During the pain- and fatigue-free days, don’t try to “make up” for lost time. Doing too much when you feel good can trigger a flare-up of pain later. Despite having energy and feeling good, remember that afterward, your muscles can ache at any time.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with extra tasks. Try to do something you couldn’t do when you had fibromyalgia pain, but don’t try everything.

This way, you can enjoy the feeling of accomplishment without experiencing a “pain hangover” that would cause you to become discouraged.

5. Learn to say no when necessary

Are you overloaded with work? Also, are you hosting a big family dinner by yourself? Or, are you baking cakes for a school event? You shouldn’t burden yourself with so many obligations.

Sometimes it’s okay to say no. Feel free to do it without feeling guilty.

You shouldn’t completely abandon your routine either. Those who stop working or abandon most of their activities worsen their condition, since they do not maintain themselves in a state of healthy activity.

6. Being sedentary makes your fibromyalgia worse

The temptation to be a simple vegetable. it can be very strong. However, regular exercises, such as yoga or walking, it is known to prevent flare-ups of pain.

You have to balance doing what feels good to you, but not overdoing it until you burn out the next day. When you feel like you’ve been run over, then you know you’ve overstepped.

How to start exercising?

Doctors recommend taking daily walks for as long as you feel comfortable. Every seven to 10 days, add a minute to that walk. The goal would be 10,000 steps a day, the amount recommended in physical conditioning programs for good health.

Wear a pedometer to track this progress. If you think it’s possible, it’s okay to go further too, don’t stop at average as long as you don’t feel too tired the next day.

Mild to moderate exercise does not make fibromyalgia symptoms worse, it may even improve them. You can do light jogging or brisk walks to improve clinical symptoms, contrary to those who remain sedentary.

Yoga can improve fibromyalgia pain and anxiety, as well as the ability to fall asleep. Remember to get your doctor’s approval before beginning any exercise regimen.

7. Keep your mind busy

Instead of going for a walk or doing chores, it would be better to stay mentally active.

Play an engaging game with your kids, solve a crossword puzzle, or watch an inspiring movie.

These activities can relieve your stress and prevent excessive worry and fibrousness in the body.

8. Focus on something other than fibromyalgia

It can help your body relax and reduce fibromyalgia symptoms if you take your mind off the pain for a couple of hours.

The more you worry about your next outbreak, the worse your symptoms will be.

Think about something positive, like a funny scene in a movie or a relaxing trip you took. It is possible to bring about a remission if you focus on feeling better. Stop thinking about the pain and little by little you will stop feeling it.

9. Seek help if you need it.

When you have a bad day, ask for help from the people closest to you. Ask someone to take care of your children for a moment or ask someone else to do the errands. Someone will come along and offer to do it because they really want to do it.

You will have that time to focus on being better.

10. Don’t be afraid to talk about fibromyalgia.

Share information about your disorder with family and friends. You can tell them how you feel on good days and especially on bad days, so they will understand how you feel.

Talking may also help you relieve stress which can make fibromyalgia symptoms worse. In addition, this way you help your loved ones understand how to support you.

Whenever you need encouragement or a distraction from pain, you can surround yourself with people who can help you feel better.

11. Keep a routine

It is important to maintain a regular routine and a schedule of activities that do not overload your day.

Through the routines you will be able to identify your energy levels, so you can decide when to play with your children, go out to lunch with friends or clean a closet. You can do everything, but it doesn’t mean you have to do it in one day, there is time to do it calmly and rest.

So you can exercise, take supplements, and go to bed at the same time every night.

12. Don’t listen to negative people

What to do to live with fibromyalgia pain? | The 23 Easiest Tips to Treat Fibromyalgia

If someone can’t acknowledge and accept your fibromyalgia symptoms, don’t let them get close to you.

Physicians who downplay this condition should also be included here.

Find an online support group if you feel misunderstood. Also, try to find another doctor who believes in your symptoms and is willing to help you reduce your pain and fatigue.

13. Ask your doctor about fibromyalgia

If possible, find a health specialist who specializes in treating people with fibromyalgia. Ask all the questions you can.

A qualified doctor can help you decide which medications are right for your fibromyalgia. These include anti-inflammatories, opioids, and antidepressants (tricyclics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Zoloft).

But there is also benefit in alternative treatments such as massage, acupuncture and biofeedback. The latter is based on electrical sensors connected to your body, to teach you to control your heart rate or the tension of your muscles.

The goal of this therapy is to help you calm your body and regulate your functions with the help of sensors and a therapist. Also consider taking a nutritional supplement such as B vitamins, ribose, or magnesium.

14. Keep going

Feeling bad can make you want to hide in his bedroom. But you won’t feel better if you do that. When your symptoms make life difficult, try to stay connected with friends and loved ones for vital support.

Consider having visitors if you don’t feel well enough to go out. You may even feel like you have more control over calls or video calls. So fibromyalgia doesn’t take you hostage or make you feel like a victim.

15. Yoga can help you manage stress

Anyone can be affected by stress. You can handle this disorder much better if you de-stress. Yoga is a great stress reliever.

Fibromyalgia patients will not only benefit from moving and stretching their muscles and practicing deep breathing and gentle exhalation. Your body will also get rid of excess stress.

16. Establish a regular exercise program

Relieve fibromyalgia symptoms with regular, low-impact movement and exercise. Swim in a heated pool or go for a walk each day. You can move your legs in the water if you don’t know how to swim.

Soothe sore muscles with lukewarm water. Fibromyalgia sufferers benefit because it reduces pain and stiffness.

Exercise regularly to help you sleep better and relieve physical pain. Discuss an exercise plan with your doctor or physical therapist.

17. You have to reduce caffeine

In addition to stimulating the central nervous system, caffeine also increases the heart rate. However, it also includes psychological effects: anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia.

Drink decaffeinated coffee if you really like coffee. Also try to avoid soft drinks that contain caffeine, sugar, chocolate, and caffeinated teas.

18. Make time for your favorite activities

You don’t have to let fibromyalgia stop you from having fun. Take time to do the things you love every day (yes, every day). People with fibromyalgia should do things they enjoy to relax and take their minds off the pain.

Take up a hobby you enjoy, watch a favorite movie, or read a book if you like books.

Watch the comedy you’ve always wanted to see. There is much healing in laughter. Relaxation and stress relief comes from filling your life with activities you enjoy.

19. Stay in touch with your loved ones

Family members of fibromyalgia patients can find life stressful. Even more so if they don’t understand your situation. Therefore, communication is crucial.

Describe the symptoms that you experience with your family. Decide what time of day is most convenient for you to have important conversations. You may be able to find solutions together with them.

20. Keep a steady pace

There is a difference between fibromyalgia and other diseases. On the outside, it may look fine, but on the inside, you’re still in pain.

It is important to prioritize your day and control your pace. When you’re not feeling well, don’t be afraid to turn down lunches or invitations. Exaggerating and overexerting yourself can lead to regret.

21. Relaxation between your fibromyalgia: Take a bath

Fibromyalgia sufferers are known to benefit from bathing. Balneotherapy is a therapy that treats diseases, reduces pain, and decreases body stiffness.

Warm water relaxes muscles and relieves pain, just like swimming in a heated pool. Fibromyalgia sufferers can benefit from this advice. It may be a good idea to visit a spa.

22. Get a massage

Book a massage at the spa while you’re there. Massage reduces pain and anxiety associated with fibromyalgia and reduces depression and anxiety. Consult your doctor before receiving a massage.

Once you’ve been given the go-ahead, find a massage therapist who works with fibromyalgia patients. You may be able to get an expert recommendation from your doctor.

Insurance may cover this massage therapy, so check with your massage therapist and their insurance company to see if you are covered.

23. Practice meditation

What to do to live with fibromyalgia pain? | The 23 Easiest Tips to Treat Fibromyalgia

During meditation, your mind and breath are focused. Many people have found it useful for relaxing and living in the moment.

As part of many meditations, the practitioner focuses on a specific area of ​​the body while performing breathing exercises. Your heart rate can be lowered through controlled breathing or through guided imagery of something that relaxes you and brings you happiness.

Nowadays there are apps and videos that will help you with this task.

These little tips will help you better cope with fibromyalgia. Include more relief and balance in your life by incorporating this into your lifestyle.

For other good health tips, read on at Essential Medical Clinic: