How to avoid cancer? | The importance of cancer prevention and nine key strategies

¿Cómo evitar el cáncer? | La importancia de la prevención contra el cáncer y nueve estrategias clave
There is the possibility of preventing one third to one half of all cancers, according to experts. Cancer is more likely to occur if we routinely follow certain bad habits. Get regular checkups and exams, quit smoking, stay active, and stay at a healthy weight.

42% of cancer cases are related to 45% of deaths due to preventable risks. Almost 29% of cancer deaths are attributed to smoking, the most important (and preventable) risk factor. Inactivity, excessive body weight, alcohol consumption, and UV exposure also ranked high.

There is the possibility of preventing one-third to one-half of all cancers, according to experts. Cancer is more likely to occur if we routinely follow certain bad habits. Get regular checkups and exams, quit smoking, stay active, and stay at a healthy weight.

Depending on your personal health history, your doctor may recommend other things. It may be a good idea to take aspirin to prevent cancer, for example, but there are also risks associated with aspirin. Consult your doctor to determine which cancer prevention measures are right for you.

The most controllable risk factor is smoking, but also…

You can greatly reduce your risk of cancer by taking steps you can take while there is no definitive way to prevent it.

Stay away from tobacco

A key step in cancer prevention is to quit smoking or never start. Your doctor may be able to provide you with tools to help you quit smoking.

You should avoid secondhand smoke as much as possible. This can cause cancer in the digestive system and oral cavity, so it is important to avoid other forms of tobacco, including chewing tobacco.

exercise more

There is a link between regular physical activity and a lower risk of cancer. Try to exercise most days of the week, for at least 30 minutes.

There are thousands of exercises you can do, you don’t have to do what everyone else does and join a gym.

Make sure you eat a healthy diet

Whole grains, healthy fats, lean proteins, and vegetables should be eaten in abundance. Especially try to avoid processed meats, stay away from them. Certain nutrients, such as fiber and vitamin D, may also reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

This can make all the difference when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. It is possible to prevent cancer by eating right and getting enough exercise. In addition to reducing your risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce your risk of other diseases.

Also, try not to overindulge in alcohol. Women should limit their alcohol intake to one drink a day; men should limit their intake to two drinks a day.

How to avoid cancer? | The importance of cancer prevention and nine key strategies

Avoid exposing yourself to too much sun

Stay in the shade when possible and always wear sunscreen to avoid exposure to harmful UV rays.

Also, avoid tanning beds and sunlamps.

schedule projections

Early detection of cancer is easier to treat if you have regular cancer screenings. Research the screening tests you may need from your healthcare professional.

There is a reduction in the risk of breast cancer for mothers who breastfeed. The best thing you can do for your baby is to breastfeed.

Attend all early detection programs, especially if you know that you are more prone to some type of cancer.

Other preventions

Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals. Try to wear protective gear when working with chemicals.

Practice safe sex. Cancer is associated with certain sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV and HPV. The best way to prevent them is to limit the number of sexual partners and to use condoms.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of certain types of cancer. If possible, limit the use of HRT

Make sure your children participate in vaccination programs for hepatitis B, a major cause of liver cancer. Also, HPV for girls is a cause of cervical cancer and several other cancers.

Is it possible to prevent cancer?

How to avoid cancer? | The importance of cancer prevention and nine key strategies

It is possible to prevent 50% of cancers by choosing a healthy lifestyle. However, how do we know this, and are there still so many cancer victims today?

In recent years, we have learned more than ever about how to prevent cancer. Since 1991, advances in detection and treatment have led to a 26% reduction in cancer deaths, at least in the United States.

What if we could stop cancer from starting in the first place? Health experts estimate that half of all cancers can be prevented with healthy lifestyle choices.

The most common preventable cancer was lung cancer, followed by colorectal cancer.

Is it true that up to 50% of cancers can be prevented?

Researchers, following hundreds of thousands of people, have discovered that those who lead a healthy lifestyle are less likely to get cancer.

A healthy lifestyle means following these nine steps: exercise, avoid tobacco, eat a healthy diet, take care of your skin, receive vaccines for cancer prevention, maintain a healthy weight, eliminate or limit alcohol consumption, get exams cancer screening, and discuss your family history with your doctor. We’re reinforcing your mom’s wisdom about health.

Why do you still get cancer despite following all the guidelines to reduce your risk?

There is a hereditary component in about 10% of all cancer cases. A person born with a cancer risk factor has a higher chance of getting it.

The fact that secondhand smoke causes cancer was not known twenty-five years ago. Cancer-causing toxins may exist today but have yet to be identified.

This is not about making people feel responsible for their cancer, as it is sometimes not preventable. There is no guarantee that your risk can be eliminated, but you can significantly reduce it through a good lifestyle.

What about environmental toxins?

The identification of carcinogenic toxins is a complex task. It can be difficult to associate a person’s cancer diagnosis with a specific event or exposure since cancer takes a long time to develop.

We have learned about diet, exercise, smoking, sun damage, viruses, and other things that increase cancer risk for many years. Focusing on what we know is the best advice. You can reduce your risk of disease by leading a healthy lifestyle and taking advantage of available risk reduction options, in addition to early detection, based on appropriate screening tests for each case.

What will happen to cancer prevention research in the future?

Understanding the early stages of cancer is critical to stopping it before it’s too late.

Cervical cancer is a good example of how powerful this can be. The incidence of cervical cancer used to be among the highest in the population. Pap tests were developed to detect and kill abnormal cells before they become cancerous.

HPV vaccines prevent the virus that causes these abnormal cells. Vaccines are also available for five other types of cancer. I find those discoveries amazing. Besides cancer, many other diseases need to be treated in the same way.

How to prevent cancer? What are the most important steps?

Everyone has a role to play in preventing these diseases. In your life, as well as with your family and friends, you can apply these nine key strategies. 25 years ago, we were not so clear about this.

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